The durian feast is in a month period of time in June.
Durians trees started to produce fruits in May.
Somehow at this time in this month of July, you still can enjoy the Durians at Anjung Indah, Balik Pulau.
The road to Balik Pulau through the coastal side from Batu Feringgi is good.
The view is good too when passed the dam.
You also can see a lot of the Durians hawkers selling the fruits at Balik Pulau either at thier farms or stalls at this moment.
Drive along the road up the hill to Balik Pulau, you can see alot of durians trees. Some of the fruits still hanging on the trees.
Mostly the trees are tall.
We went to Anjung Indah, Balik Pulau in June 29th,2011...we enjoyed ate the durians meanwhile also enjoyed viewed the
beautiful scene from the scenic court yard.
There are others fruits stalls sell other local products and also other fruits, beside durians.
Unfortunately, because of haze the scene from Anjung Indah towards the down part of hill was slightly blocked.
It's really a good trip to Balik Pulau in the durians peak season.
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