The durians should be eat when it fresh. The aroma is less if you put the durians pulps in the container and keep in the fridge.
When durian reaches nature maturity, it will fall from the trees, Malaysian will collect durians under the trees. Follow by either self consumes or sell it.
Strong wind and heavy rain can make the durians fall unnaturally..in this case durians might not be fully ripe. Local people like to buy the durians when the weather is good.
The price for high energy value durian depends on the type, size and taste of the fruits. It can be as cheap as RM1.00 or expensive up to RM200.00. Some hawkers give the gurantee words to the customer. For local people, if found the durians they bought was not good taste or bad, mostly they will go back to complain to the durians sellers. So they will deal again from this point. Durians market price is floating.
Durians are round or oval in shape. The length is about 7-10 inches. Outside of the durian has spiky thorns. Need to be extra carefull when holding them or open them.
There is a thick spinky rind in side durians and have a few segments. Open according to the rind, then you can see the creamy white, yellow or orange coloured pulp. The seeds sometimes are big and sometimes very small.
It's the most nutritious fruits. Contain protein, fat, carbohydrate, minerals and vitamins.
Best suggestion is to choose the durians which is light weight (pulp with light or small seeds), feel the seeds sounds when shaking durians, strong good smell and when touch the pulp, it shoud not be hard.
Some of the local people put a pinch of salt and add with the cold boiled water and mix them in one of the segment of durian and drink them. They believes it can cure the heatiness of the body after consumes durians. It also to prevent the sore throat.
Some believes durians can cure for arthritis and body joint paint.
Anyway some local people also believes that to drink alcohol or taking medicine while eating the durians can cause death. Local people also consume Durians with rice, make durians into dessets, porridge, ice-cream and cakes.
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